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We Need The Controversy

August 24, 2009

Check out this video by Derek Webb. If your offended by someone swearing please click somewhere else on this page, don’t click play. He talks about gays in this video and how the “church” treats them.

After you watch I would love to hear your thoughts. Comment on the curse word (is it nessary), the music (do you like it), the creativity of the video (did you think it was well done) and do you feel his view of the “church” is correct?

6 Comments leave one →
  1. August 25, 2009 1:32 am

    I think the first curse word is there to be ironic – if you listen to the words. I rather wish they were not in there, but will I start marching around and carrying signs trying to protest this song? No. I used to use the ‘f’ word every other sentence and still slips from time to time.

    Which brings me to point number 2 – I sin every day. I sure try not too. But I do. Therefore how in the world could I condemn anyone else for the same?

    Do I think being gay is a sin? Ya it probably is but it’s not my job to judge. I’m no bible scholar and I can’t know absolutely for certain what Jesus thinks about it anyway.

    But no, I don’t think we need the controversy. What we need is to shut our mouths and just get on with the job Jesus gave us: Loving one another, and the Lord our God.

    I leave you with the only Bible verse that I think applies in this case. Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”

    Or this one: John 8:7 “Any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone.” But brother, that ain’t me.

  2. August 25, 2009 1:32 am

    Oh and I really love the music. I adore electronica.

  3. Benjamin Davis permalink*
    August 25, 2009 2:29 am

    I think you are an extremely humble person, I also know a little about your background and appreciate the grace you show.

    I think controversy is good, because it makes people think. I think the song makes people think.

    BTW the Bible does say that IT IS A SIN to participate in sin, which would include homosexual activity.
    It is no different from having a bad attitude, but it’s still sin.

    I love the music too. I didn’t know you were an electronica fan… you should talk to David Santistevan about that.

  4. Craig Riggle permalink
    August 25, 2009 3:12 pm

    Ben, I’m not into cussing to make a point or for the pure shock value of it. Didn’t think he needed to do it and it sounded like it came out of anger. Dereck Webb likes being controversial now days. He seems to put down the church a lot. I’m not saying that the church hasn’t failed in how we minister to people but at the same time, I believe that church’s have failed by not addressing “sin” issues in a loving way. If I spent all my time hating the church for what it has done instead of praying and asking God to do bring change, where would I be? Talk is cheap. Overloading people with information is cheap. Prayer and letting God bring conviction on both parties, the church and those in sin, is what is so desperately needed (priceless). You and I know the problems but until people have their eyes opened by the Spirit of God, their eyes will not be opened even if we use a crowbar.

    We had a homosexual couple start coming here and they did get offended by somethings that I said. We sat down and talked about it and I explained where I was coming from and they explained where they were at and if they could keep coming here. I said they were welcome to keep coming here as long as they knew when I brought up sin such as homosexuality, that I wasn’t just talking to them. They came maybe once more and I haven’t seen them back. However, they do help out from time to time with different things that we do and talk to us when they see us. They have mentioned to me and others that they need to get back to church but Satan has some strong ties on them that hold them back. No one has ever condemned them, only loved them. Everyone is praying that the lies of Satan would be broken.

    The Breakthrough Retreat at APC is so powerful because it is the Word of God. It is the same scriptures we have heard over and over again but there is time for the scriptures to develop and the Spirit of God to move in individuals and time to respond to what the Spirit is doing.

    People need a God encounter. They don’t need a song putting down the church, because that gives people a crutch for not going to any church. They don’t need cussing because that is what the world has to offer. They need people who have encountered the living God to reach out and love them wherever they are at and be patient with them as the Spirit works in them.

    I hope I made sense.

  5. Benjamin Davis permalink*
    August 26, 2009 2:56 am

    Let it out Craig! Thanks for the input bro. I hear your point. And it is good for sure. Well said.

  6. August 26, 2009 10:41 am

    Craig – I totally agree. I think you should keep talking about sin! I remember when I first started coming to APC sometimes Pastor Jeff’s sermons struck me straight in the heart. He was able to wield the sword of the word not only with great dexterity but also with kindness and utter grace. He let the spirit convict, but he spoke the words that brought the stuff I was dealing with to the surface.

    But sin is sin. I’m sick of hearing that homosexuals are evil (because yes we all are) and how they deserve aids. I’ve actually heard that before. Ouch.

    And Ben – I don’t like the controversy because I’m also really hurt by Christians bashing other Christians. Don’t we get bashed enough by everyone else? 🙂 I was one of those Christian bashers not very long ago. I know what they say, how much poison they spew. We’ve got to show them love. But can’t we show each other love too?

    Ben this struck such a chord in me, my daughter was laughing so hard at how angry I was about this issue. Thanks Ben.

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